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Resultate 1 - 20 von 4914

Meienreuss (CH), Meien - kleines Rückstaubecken
Anfang und Ende der Druckleitung gemäss Projektbeschrieb

  • #6456 • 31.03.2025 10:46

Meienreuss (CH), Meien - kleines Rückstaubecken
Die maximale Ableitungsmenge beträgt 5.6m3/s. https://kw-meiental.ch/ueber-uns/projektinfos/
  • #6455 • 31.03.2025 09:39

Reuss (CH), Mellingen - Gebenstorf
Gefahr vorübergehend
Ein Baum liegt zwischen den Inseln im Gnadenthal.

  • #6454 • 30.03.2025 16:26

Urnäsch (CH), Obere Urnäschschlucht (Zürchersmühle - Hundwiler Brücke)
Gefahr vorübergehend
29.3.25. Baum in der letzten Stufe Schlucht. Auch beim Auslauf dem Pool. Wir sind nur den Schlucht gefahren.

  • #6453 • 29.03.2025 20:16

Ammer (AT), Obere (Scheibum)
  • #6452 • 28.03.2025 16:56

Meienreuss (CH), Meien - kleines Rückstaubecken
Laut den Besitzern der "Bäsebeiz", ist aktuell ein Kraftwerk schon im Bau, kurz oberhalb des Einstiegs. Im Internet findet man auch Angaben dazu: https://kw-meiental.ch/kraftwerk/ . Wenn das so durchgeführt wird, dann ist dieser Abschnitt sehr bald trocken.
  • #6451 • 28.03.2025 14:43

Cicana (IT), Mezzavalle - Confluenza Sturla
Bewertung NW-MW-HW
The gauge at Carasco was discontinued and has been replaced with Vignolo on the Sturla river (so it's still an indirect reference, albeit less so)
  • #6449 • 26.03.2025 17:10

Isolona (IT), Pianmegorino - Isolona
Bewertung NW-MW-HW
The gauge at Carasco was discontinued and has been replaced by S.Martino, which is just upstream of the Sturla tributary (so it's still very indirect, but less so than Carasco). The old calibrations are now meaningless
  • #6448 • 26.03.2025 17:08

Lavagna (IT), Alto (Ferriere - Pezzonasca)
Bewertung NW-MW-HW
The gauge at Carasco was discontinued and has been replaced by S.Martino, which is just upstream of the Sturla tributary (so it's still very indirect, but less so than Carasco). The old calibrations are now meaningless
  • #6447 • 26.03.2025 17:07

Lavagna (IT), Medio (Pezzonasca - Cicagna)
Bewertung NW-MW-HW
The gauge at Carasco was discontinued and has been replaced by S.Martino, which is just upstream of the Sturla tributary (so it's still very indirect, but less so than Carasco). The old calibrations are now meaningless
  • #6446 • 26.03.2025 17:07

Malvaro (IT),
Bewertung NW-MW-HW
The gauge at Carasco was discontinued and has been replaced by S.Martino, which is just upstream of the Sturla tributary (so it's still very indirect, but less so than Carasco). The old calibrations are now meaningless
  • #6445 • 26.03.2025 17:07

Malvaro (IT),
Bewertung NW-MW-HW
The gauge values recently changed. If they stay the same, medium must probably be set to around zero or even -0.1.
A run on 15.3.25 felt like good a high medium, that was around 0.1 to 40cm.
If the old reference can be reestablished, around 250 might be medium.
  • #6443 • 25.03.2025 21:02

Malvaro (IT),
Awesome river.
We had a very fair IV+ run on 15.3.25 after heavy rains.
Compared to the Video in #6441 we had about 10-20cm more water in tight places like the Slide at the put-in.
On the water, Levels looked and felt very fitting for the run, maybe high side of medium, powerful, but not yet pushy/surging high water.

  • #6442 • 25.03.2025 20:55

Malvaro (IT),
This Video from 20th Dec. 2020 gives a good impression of medium flows.
The Gauge, Entella@Carasco, was around 250cm that day.
  • #6441 • 25.03.2025 19:51

Sesia (IT), Alpin Sprint (Otra - Mollia)
There was a shift in the gauge as a result of construction work in early March. The gauge needs to be recalibrated.
  • #6440 • 25.03.2025 08:44

Bagnone (IT), Medio (Ponte su SP 22B - Bagnone)
Unfortunately Big Blocks slid into the Exit of the nice first drop of the middle bagnone and created a big ugly Siphon. And basicaly made it unrunnable, very risky at least.
  • #6438 • 17.03.2025 08:32

Brembo (IT), San Pellegrino - Zogno
Bewertung NW-MW-HW
L'idrometro è generalmente affidabile ma ci sono situazioni in cui i livelli effettivi in fiume posso scostarsi anche di parecchio.
Tipo poca acqua a monte perchè nevica e non scende e più acqua dal Brembilla e Imagna. In questi casi l’idrometro a Ponte Briolo segna 170 ma il reale livello a monte è piu basso.
Può avvenire anche il caso opposto. Piove su Mezzoldo, Valmora ed Enna, e Imagna e Brembilla sono secchi, e un 170 da idrometro sembra un 200 in fiume.
Poi contano anche le varie dighe aperte o meno.
  • #6437 • 16.03.2025 00:01

Brembo (IT), San Giovanni Bianco - San Pellegrino
Bewertung NW-MW-HW
L'idrometro è generalmente affidabile ma ci sono situazioni in cui i livelli effettivi in fiume posso scostarsi anche di parecchio.
Tipo poca acqua a monte perchè nevica e non scende e più acqua dal Brembilla e Imagna. In questi casi l’idrometro a Ponte Briolo segna 170 ma il reale livello a monte è piu basso.
Può avvenire anche il caso opposto. Piove su Mezzoldo, Valmora ed Enna, e Imagna e Brembilla sono secchi, e un 170 da idrometro sembra un 200 in fiume.
Poi contano anche le varie dighe aperte o meno.
  • #6436 • 16.03.2025 00:00

Sturla (IT), Ponte per Tigliolo - Borzonasca
IT seems like using the gauge of the lower would make more sense?
We had a Good Medium level fr.14th late afternoon.
Hard work, Lots of scouting. Some trees, big boulders, so.e bedrock.

  • #6435 • 15.03.2025 10:13

Boite (IT), Spiaggia Verde - Cadin di Sotto
Wollte wegen dem Post unten die Baumsituation unterhalb des Jaegerhaus Agriturismo scouten. Über einen kleinen Nebenzufluss wurde an dem Tag konstant Gülle in den Bach eingeleitet. Es hatte sich im Fluss ein richtiger Jauche-Pool gebildet ;-(
  • #6434 • 08.03.2025 19:17

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