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Trysilelva: Femundsundet - Elvbrua
III+ 0 km
Trysilelva @ Femundsenden (Femunden) 15.2 m³/s @ 06:00
15 | 40 | 65 m³/s (Indirect calibration!)

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Resultate 1 - 3 von 3

Been running this section for the past 3 seasons (19-22) Fun stretch with multiple rapids. Generally center of river is safe however a couple large rocks can make for some excitement. At Low water you see most things coming pretty well. At higher water levels ca. 4 meters measured below the take out the potential is certanly there to get properly scared. One of the larger raptids (nr 3 or 4) has a heavy push to left bank that can get you in trouble if your not paying attention. It has a rocky entry with a large rock/hole on the right that you need to avoid followed by the push to the left bank. really only an issue at high water. A very fun river to enjoy.
  • #5290 • 02.06.2023 14:16
run in summer 2019, level was 45m3s, difficulty III+ (III-IV)

here the river is pretty wide and deep. 90% of this section es easy class II, but the rapids (waves and holes) get bigger and bigger each km. the rapid at the end was large enough to feel a bit disoriented!
  • #3688 • 24.04.2020 10:49
The final rapid of this run, seen from the bridge at takeout. It looks way more impressive from the boat perspective!

  • #3686 • 24.04.2020 10:38
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