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Landquart: Oberlauf
III-IV (IV+) 0 km
Landquart @ Pardenn, Klosters 1.91 m³/s @ 04:00
5 | 10 | 15 m³/s
Resultate 1 - 7 von 7
enger, und sehr steiniger gebirgsbach. lohnt sich meiner Meinung nicht wirklich unter ca. 10 kubik, da sehr viel Steinkontakt (befahren bei ca. 7.4).
Gefahr aufgehoben
Den Baum aus Beitrag #3671 haben wir heute raus. Der coole Boof ist somit wieder möglich :)
Gefahr vorübergehend
Im ersten schwereren Katarakt (noch im Wald) liegt in der schönsten Stelle eine Art "Riesenleiter" der Länge nach im Wasser. Vom Stein oberhalb wird alles Wasser unter die Querstreben gedrückt - sehr steckgefährlich.
Gefahr vorübergehend
Baum quer; ca. 200 m ob der kleinen Fussgängerbrücke, ca 500 m aus dem Wald draussen. Erst sehr spät sichtbar. Leider keine Säge dabei gehabt.
Access to putin is by walk. Description in Polish: http://wiki.bystrze.pl/wiki/Landquart#Upper_Upper
Scouted on 06.05.2018
I'm not sure what is possible for the access; it seems that you have to walk in or find an authorised vehicle to take you.
~14 m³/s on the gauge ... all comments at this level. Which is melt high.
The section as marked has a very mixed character:
1) the upper 2Km (1.5 above and 0.5 below the gauge) was meandering class II in beautiful scenery.
2) Then the difficulties got progressively difficult, culminating in a 200m difficult passage; this is presumably the main interest at lower flows.
3) 0.8 Km of natural open shallow and rocky section down to the dam portage.
4) 0.5 Km canalized to the take-out.
I'm not sure what is possible for the access; it seems that you have to walk in or find an authorised vehicle to take you.
~14 m³/s on the gauge ... all comments at this level. Which is melt high.
The section as marked has a very mixed character:
1) the upper 2Km (1.5 above and 0.5 below the gauge) was meandering class II in beautiful scenery.
2) Then the difficulties got progressively difficult, culminating in a 200m difficult passage; this is presumably the main interest at lower flows.
3) 0.8 Km of natural open shallow and rocky section down to the dam portage.
4) 0.5 Km canalized to the take-out.